It wasn't the atom bomb's designer who chose to drop it on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But questioning the moral and legal basis for that decision remains taboo in America. And that's dangerous
I am not going to see the film. I’m a bit fed up with the ‘shoot and cry’ mentality among Israeli soldiers for example, or the bleeding hearts of amoral scientists and other very well educated professionals who ‘regret’ their work, usually when it’s too late. Being well educated is not a guarantee against weakness of character or even outright psychopathy. Scientists are not necessarily mature, strong, or moral individuals just because they are very smart. Every genocide or evil deed committed by a government was made possible by highly educated people. See the role of doctors in the holocaust, the role of psychiatrists and psychologists who work gor the Israeli state and facilitate the torture of Palestinians.
All science students should study ethics as a part of their degree, so they can think in advance about who they want to work for once they graduate. I wrote a paper during my politics honours studies many years ago about the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing. The US has no leg to stand on. The bombing was not necessary to end the war as the US still claims. There was a lot to suggest the US wanted to find out what these new weapons could do and in the process committed a genocide. The fact that US academics are not questioning the official narrative, this self-censoring, is immoral in itself and I agree that it is dangerous. But then again the US is one of, if not the most dangerous countries on the planet. I’m a psychotherapist. If the US as a whole was a person, I would diagnose it with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Thanks for writing about it.
I am not going to see the film. I’m a bit fed up with the ‘shoot and cry’ mentality among Israeli soldiers for example, or the bleeding hearts of amoral scientists and other very well educated professionals who ‘regret’ their work, usually when it’s too late. Being well educated is not a guarantee against weakness of character or even outright psychopathy. Scientists are not necessarily mature, strong, or moral individuals just because they are very smart. Every genocide or evil deed committed by a government was made possible by highly educated people. See the role of doctors in the holocaust, the role of psychiatrists and psychologists who work gor the Israeli state and facilitate the torture of Palestinians.
All science students should study ethics as a part of their degree, so they can think in advance about who they want to work for once they graduate. I wrote a paper during my politics honours studies many years ago about the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing. The US has no leg to stand on. The bombing was not necessary to end the war as the US still claims. There was a lot to suggest the US wanted to find out what these new weapons could do and in the process committed a genocide. The fact that US academics are not questioning the official narrative, this self-censoring, is immoral in itself and I agree that it is dangerous. But then again the US is one of, if not the most dangerous countries on the planet. I’m a psychotherapist. If the US as a whole was a person, I would diagnose it with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Thanks for writing about it.