It seems to me that South Africa is trading one geopolitical player for another, worse one: Putin. First by refusing to denounce Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (that colonization is OK?) and now with its denunciation of Israel. Call me cynical but don’t all countries operate on realpolitik?

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As an aside, the Europeans used bombing from the air because they had aircraft. I'm sure the Romans, Persians, Mongols, Ottomans etc would have done the same if they had them!

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This is one of the clearest analyses of the Israel problem I have read for a long time. And quite dispassionately done. But since you have so clearly dissected the problemm, what are the possible solutions, given the disposition of power? I only hear of five options. 1. Two states. A Western mantra that is belied by realities on the ground. 2. Axis of Resistance which means major war the closer it gets to realising its objectives. 3. Abraham Accords throwing the Palestinians under a bus where they are refusing to go. 4. Bring back the PA/PLO. Like trying to bring back the bantustans in SA. 5. One state. Presumably liberal democratic following trade offs like in SA. No one has the slightest clue how to get to this.

None of these things seem workable to me. Could you write another piece??

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Great piece Tonu but, re the bombing of civilians - you forgot to mention Guernica!!!

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